Deploy geofencing to strengthen employee’s protection and improve efficiency!

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing is a technology that helps companies increase the protection of employees – field employees, expatriates, employees working in sensitive sites, etc. – and improve team productivity and efficiency.

Geofencing of team on the run (TOTR) allows you to automate the triggering of certain actions according to the geographical position of your collaborators.

geofencing alert
Dispatcher qui fait la configuration d'une zone virtuelle geofencing

How it works?

Thanks to team on the run Geofencing, you can identify your target geographic areas, create virtual areas on the map and predefine a set of actions that should be triggered automatically as soon as a user approaches, crosses or leaves a given area.


  • Send an automatic alert to an expatriate when he approaches a risk area.
  • Automatically alert an employee working in a sensitive environment when, for example, he exceeds the authorized time to stay in the area.
  • Connect the employee to the right communication channel as soon as he arrives at the industrial zone or on a construction site in order to avoid forgetting and so that he is directly connected and aware of all communications.
  • Automate the sharing of information such as safety instructions, the site map, notifications to complete the digital form relating to the mission, and thus you put all the useful information in the hands of your employees to help them move forward efficiently on their missions.

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